Primary 7/6 Parent Bulletin - Term 4
Our PE days are Monday (gym hall) and Thursday (outdoors). Please ensure you child comes dressed in appropriate PE kit on both days and bring appropriate clothes for outdoor PE.
Table of Contents
Class Study: ‘Guardians of the Wild Unicorns’. Higher order reading skills will be covered through ‘Reciprocal Reading’ roles and comprehension activities.
Pupils have been allocated with an additional books to be covered once a week in class.
Wraparound Spelling Daily
Monday: Introduce new sounds and words, use a dictionary to discover the definition of the word.
Tuesday: Count the syllables in each word and write your own rhyming words.
Wednesday: Parts of speech – online research whether the word is a noun, verb, adjective etc.
Thursday: Roots and shoots – identify the root words and expand this using your own prefixes and suffixes, how many words can you create?
Friday: Revision and recap.
Revising basic full stops, capital letters and paragraphs.
Writing focus: Creative, Recount
Grammar: Using a range of VCOP, writing techniques and extended vocabulary.
Talk to your child about any writing they do at home. Encourage them to punctuate work correctly and check spelling.
Numeracy and Maths
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Expressions & Equations
Information Handling
Athletics will be the focus on the lead up to Sports Day
Health and Wellbeing
I.D.L. Topic
(P7) Maptastic, Study of a Local Industry: Whisky
(P6) Study of a Country: France, Study of a Local Industry: Golf
Religious and Moral Education
Beliefs & Practices: Judaism
Modern Languages
Whole class – French, Gaelic
Science/ Technology
The Solar System
ICT – Coding and Creating Information Charts