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Primary 5C

Primary 5C Parent Bulletin - Term 4

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.  Please ensure you child comes dressed in appropriate PE kit on both days and bring appropriate clothes for outdoor PE.

Table of Contents



Novel – Boy Overboard

Comprehension and vocabulary

Shared Texts Comprehension


Wraparound Spelling Daily activities

Homework issued weekly on Google Classroom


Using CYPIC Literacy tools, identify areas for development and complete daily writing tasks –punctuation, tenses, paragraphs, openers, simile, metaphor and handwriting.

Writing activities based on class novel and Talk for Writing.  CYPIC daily focussed writing sessions. 

Talk to your child about any writing they do at home. Encourage them to punctuate work correctly and check spelling.

Talking & Listening


Debating/creating manifesto

Reciprocal Reading

Numeracy and Maths

BMT tables

Revision division/ multiplication tables


Continue to reinforce correct layout and the importance of showing all working.

Consolidation & revision of Problem Solving strategies

Weekly Number Talks as Morning Starter



Daily Mile 

Daily Mile on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Health and Wellbeing

RSHP-Relationships, Sexual Health & Parenthood


I.D.L. Topic

Scottish Parliament

Religious and Moral Education

The Five Pillars of Islam

Modern Languages


Study of another country Germany – Euros

Science/ Technology

Healthy Bodies

Expressive Arts

Art – Sculptures

Drama – Parliament activities

Music – Scottish music compose on garage band