Primary 4 Parent Bulletin - Term 4
Our PE days are Tuesday (gym hall) and Thursday (outdoors). Please ensure you child comes dressed in appropriate PE kit on both days and bring appropriate clothes for outdoor PE.
Table of Contents
Reading books in class and sent home.
Weekly reading and spelling challenges to be complete and returned via Google Classroom. Please let us know if you have trouble with access to Google Classroom.
High frequency words, weekly spelling patterns and phonics.
Blocks of daily writing sessions related to our topics.
Talking & Listening
Discussion through curricular projects, e.g. RME, IDL.
Numeracy and Maths
Measure, money, angles, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Health and Wellbeing
Safety around strangers and online.
RSHP lessons – please see Google Classroom
I.D.L. Topic
Scottish Wars of Independence (continued from last term)
Scottish forests
Termly homework to complete model castle.
Religious and Moral Education
Church in the Community.
Modern Languages
French and Sign – Weekly focus on greetings, finger spelling, numbers, colours, class instructions.
Regular practise at home using online videos / games is a great way to learn new French phrases
Science/ Technology
Electricity, Food technology
Digital Skills Technologies – Coding -Scratch Jr, Skills on PowerPoint.
Expressive Arts
Weekly Samba drumming sessions.