Primary 2 Parent Bulletin - Term 4
Our PE days are Monday (outdoors) and Wednesday (gym hall). Please ensure you child comes dressed in appropriate PE kit on both days and bring warm clothes for outdoor PE.
Table of Contents
Children will read to an adult 1-2 times a week, including from their word tins. We will read Fantastic Mr. Fox as a class.
Listen to your child read their reading book(s). Practise high frequency words (word tins) regularly throughout the week. Please bring books back to school on Friday and keep word tins in bags daily.
Weekly spellings – a focus sound and high frequency words.
Help your child practise their spellings each week ready for a check-up on Friday.
News and sentence writing. Regular handwriting practise.
Writing related to our IDL td Fantastic Mr. Fox.
Encourage them to punctuate any writing they do at home correctly with finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. Encourage correct letter formation and to sound out words independently.
Talking & Listening
Discussion through interdisciplinary topics. PATHS.
Encourage them to punctuate any writing they do at home correctly with finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. Encourage correct letter formation and to sound out words independently.
Numeracy and Maths
Money – Recognising notes and coins. Counting money to pay for items.
Time – O’Clock, Half Past and Quarter Past on analogue and digital clocks. Units of time – seconds, minutes, hours, days, months.
Position & Direction – Describing full, half and quarter turns. Left and Right. Giving Directions.
Give children opportunities to count money at home or use money to pay for small items in shops.
Practise telling the time at home.
Health and Wellbeing
PATHS, RSHP, Tennis, Virtual Games
I.D.L. Topic
The Stone Age & Bronze Age (Campbeltown Heritage).
This topic will include a class visit to Campbeltown Heritage Centre to look and learn about artefacts from this period.
Religious and Moral Education
Beliefs & Values, Rama & Sita
Science/ Technology
Forces, Laptops